Monday, September 21, 2009

I ♥ Faces- Week 37

Completely Candid~

This shot was taken at our local Relay for Life event this summer. I love how this little girls Daddy went up infront of thousands of people and essentially made a complete fool of himself so his daughter could win that trophy she is so proudly holding up! I chose this shot because it was one of the only TURE CANDID shots that I really liked where the person had NO idea I was photographing them. I just love the little glasses on this obvious "Manly Man" who is a total sucker for his little girl:)
Don't forget to head over to and see all the other great entries this week!

Friday, September 18, 2009

I ♥ Faces Fix-it-Friday

Original Image:

My "Fixes"

My favorite part of photographing faces are the eyes! I feel as long and I can make the eyes pop then I've got something to work with. I also ensanced the lighting and changed the tones around a bit. Fun pic! Lots of elements to work with!

Monday, September 14, 2009

I ♥ Faces- Week 36

~ Contemplative ~

What a great theme. I haven't entered anything in a while for various reasons but this weeks focus was too good to pass up:) I got this shot on Mother's Day while doing an outdoor shoot of my kids. I rarely get the opportunity to shoot my own little ones it seems so I was doubly excited when I captured this image of my youngest. From day one we've joked that he was an old soul and to be able to capture the look in his eyes that makes us feel that way will forever be priceless to me. Best Mother's Day present ever! ~Enjoy~

Don't forget to head over to check out all the other great entries this week!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

~Baby Raegan~

This little girl was increadibly spirited for only being 9 days old!!! She had amazing head control already and was very aware of her surroundings. She HATED the sound of the shutter on my camera which made shooting difficult but we still somehow managed to get some beautiful pictures of her for her proud Mommy and Daddy. Here are a few of my favorites from Tuesday! ~Enjoy~

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

~Trouble in Two's~

I had an absolute BLAST shooting twin girls last week! They were 4 weeks old and did fantastic for the most part- talk about totally opposite personalities though. Their Mom really had it together with these two being so new and a 2 year old as well! Talk about inspirational!! Here are a few of my favorites from these beautiful little girls~ Enjoy~

Monday, July 27, 2009

I ♥ Faces~ At the Beach

So it's week 29 of I heart faces and my second week entering. I LOVED all the feedback from last weeks contest and now I'm hooked! With the theme being "beach week" I had several options to choose from but I just kept coming back to this one. I know it's a family friendly contest but I felt that this fell within the guidelines....I hope anyway! I can't help myslef from responding to the expression in the subjects face; calm, relaxed, taking in the moment, soaking in the sun. I find myself wishing I could be her, in that place at that time, with the warm salt water rolling around me. Anyway, hope no one is offended and can appreciate why I entered it.
Sometimes we all just need a little reminder to lay back and just take in all the little moments!

Don't forget to head over to their blog to check out all the other great entries! or just click the link below.....Enjoy!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Family Reunion

So this last weekend's shoot was a family reunion/ 80th B-day party for one of the family members. I'm still in the process of editing but this shot just takes my breath away! Adorable little girl~ especially since she hadn't taken a nap all day! I had a great time shooting this family. Especially the kids on the slip-n-slide. Who doesn't remember a summer without one of those?? Priceless!! Anyway, here are just a few of my favorites~